



Chapter 614

From The Company: Gods with everlasting lives. Sura who possess unrivaled power. And humans, caught helplessly in-between. When Kubera’s peaceful village meets its fiery end, a mysterious magician named Asha comes to her rescue. Together they begin on a journey in search of answers and revenge. Meanwhile across the realms, a web of entwined fates is growing tighter. One by one the other players of the game will emerge, each with their own agenda to pursue. At the center of this maelstrom stands Kubera, the girl with a god's name. Will this sixteen-year-old be the salvation of the world or its destruction?




From Batoto:The world is in an uproar over the discovery of a stone tablet thought to have been created 500 years ago.The stone contains predictions of major incidents that happened worldwide in the last 500 years. All of its prophecies had already come true. There is only one prophecy recorded on the stone that pertains to the future ahead: that the world will end in a year?s time, and only those who believe in the god drawn on the stone will find salvation.The name of this god is... Myum-Myum.Original webtoon (Korean webcomic)Chapter 8 (of 35) of '2012 지구가 멸망한다면?' - a collection of oneshot webcomics related to supposed the end of the world in 2012.

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