

Japan Sinks (Takao Saito)

Japan Sinks (Takao Saito)

Vol.4 Chapter 9: Japan Sinks

A swarm of earthquakes hits the Japanese archipelago causing the sudden eruption of a dormant volcano. Soon after the people find themselves facing a wave of mysterious natural disasters... and ultimately discover an unbelievable consequence. Based on Sakyo Komatsu's best-selling science fiction novel, Takao Saito presents the story in his own powerful and distinct style.

Devil King

Devil King

Vol.4 Chapter 16: Devil King (16/16)

In Kitakaruizawa, a human larger-than-life springs forth from the Kobayakawa Research Center in the middle of the night. That same human, in an instant of pain and agony, turns to dust and is swept away by a forceful gale across the landscape, a tremendous sight witnessed only by clan of truck drivers rushing down the late-night highway. The experiment of Doctor Kobayakawa ends in a disappointing failure, yet the elder brother of a young Akio makes the acquaintance of the Doctor, unmistakably a trap, one bearing the danger of a new experiment...

Barom One

Barom One

Vol.1 Chapter 4: A Murderous Battle

Takeshi and Kentaro are two friends who have been together since they were infants. They were born in the same hospital on the same day, have shared every class in school and even vie over the same girl. However, soon the two friends become closer than they’d like when they discover they are the Chosen Ones that will defeat the powers of an evil being and his minions who are currently wreaking havoc on mankind. Together, the two merge and become a super fighter known as Barom One, capable of taking down monsters with ease. Can Takeshi and Kentaro band together to save the world?

The Shadowman

The Shadowman

Vol.2 Chapter 7: Fight 7: To The World

Relish is an evil organization plotting world domination. The organization's mad scientist Dr. Takizawa uses a cell-restructuring device on a young man named Katagiri in hopes of creating a superhuman, but the experiment is a failure. After fleeing the organization, Katagiri is astonished to find that when night falls, his whole body turns jet black and he gains incredible strength and the ability to jump to great heights! Now as Shadowman, Katagiri begins to fight against Relish...

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